Many are already wondering, what is the QR code? For those who do not know yet, there will be question
of storing data as an image, see it a bit like a form shorthand.
Stored data can be read through a QR code scanner.
We will also use our magic functions, Handling Menus
VAR Result : String ;
VAR Data, ImageID : String ;
Data := 'FMQR' + USER_AccountID + '::' + USER_UserID ;
ImageID := '1';
Result := MenuItemAdd('MyMenu','Mon Premier QR FM', ' ', '', '', '', '', '', ' ');
Result := MenuItemAdd('MyMenu', Data, USER_AccountID+':1:'+ ImageID, '0'+':0:0:: ' , '', '', '',
'11:11:11:11:200:11:11:11:11', '', 'QR:10:QR:::', '');
Result := InputMenu('MyMenu', 2500);
Exit ;