As said above, the developer must have:
The developer creates its Mobile Money account if not exist, then he creates a Further Market account (free) and receives a unique identifier. He proceeds to the binding of its Mobile Money account with that of Further Market. If during the course of his services, he requests a payment through his Mobile Money account the only thing to do is to call a link like the one below:
This being done, the customer receives an SMS for confirming the retrieval of the amount stated in the link. If payment is made, this amount is automatically transferred to the Mobile Money Account indicated in Further Market by the FMID stated in the link. Thus a developer “x” can incorporate an electronic payment solution in few time.
Where AccountID is the identifier on Further Market Business Account generated automatically by the system,
CustomerNumber is the customer number making the transaction and Amount is the amount of money handle during the transaction, which is the amount levied on the customer for the associated service.
On this type, once the link is called, the process directly places the transaction as a pending one, the PaymenID is generated. Thus another different task can be initiated. Two minutes after placement, the developer can check if the transaction was successful or not.
Where AccountID is the identifier on Further Market Business Account generated automatically by the system, PaymentID is the ID number generated automatically by the system for the associated payment.
This action could only be done by the emitter and the receiver. If you are not eligible, you will not be able to access information.